
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar
House No.P-3553, Street No.5
Block A, Khokhar Chowk
Barkatpura, Faisalabad


Books translated into Urdu
Saint Philomena
Pauline Jaricot

Rosary Assocaition Newsletter - July to September 2008" target="_blank" href="">Pakistan Universal Living Rosary Assocaition Newsletter - July to September 2008


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dear Mrs. Melvin,

Thanks for the airlift reached me in time. I have nearly finished all the stock especially of Rosaries and Medals. So, please send me two or three lifts (one more urgently).

I was in Karachi as I told you that day. I returned back on 21st and went to Mariamabad and Sialkot from 22nd. I reached back yesterday. Tomorrow, I am leaving for Sambriyal and Bahawalpur. I was busy; therefore I could not contact you. My arm is little better but on that day while I left Mariamabad I gave the bag to the person in the van to put it somewhere. I don't know where he had put it because when I got the bag it was fully heated. At once I opened it to see the medicine (Garlite Tablets). The bottle had little melted and the tablets had changed color. I have not taken the tablet again. I should have put some tablets in any small bottle to take with during travel. If you can please send the bottle once again.

I am sorry to hear about Lisa Samson. My prayers are with her and her family.

I have sent you three packets in this month. Please keep me informed when you receive the packet.

OK, Good Bye and God Bless You,

Yours in Christ and Holy Mother,

Afzaal Anwar Khokhar

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dear Mrs. Melvin

Thanks for the wire, the airlift and the pills. I have started taking pills one daily and feel better.

I was away from home; I went to Wazirabad, then to Sargodha, Rawalpindi and Hasan Abdal. I returned today in the morning and today at night I am leaving for Bahawalpur; from there I will go to Karachi.

I am sending you two packets also. One contains some lists and the other one containing newsletters.

Please send me a box of Rosaries. The Rosaries I had, I am taking with me. If possible please send me the book "Eucharistic Miracles".

Yours in Christ and Holy Mother,

Afzaal Anwar Khokhar

December 20 - 21, 2007

Visit to Sargodha, Pakistan.

The Universal Living Rosary Association
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Dear Mrs. Melvin,

Thanks for the wire. I am compiling the report, there are lots of things to send you and hope to send you 3 to 4 packets this month. I hope you got my previous packet.

Yes, the situation in Pakistan is getting worse and worse. Last days, when Governor Rule was declared by President in Punjab, rallies and attacks started. Today, just now I am watching TV and there is one more bad news. The Sri Lankan cricket team was on Pakistan tour. They were going to stadium to start the match when some terrorists attacked there bus and 7 of them have been injured. So, every day we have to hear bad news.

There is no security especially to travel but we have to do because Our Lady protects. This month I will go to Jhelum on 7th to 9th, and then to Sargodha, Lahore, Hyderabad, Sukkur and Larkana from 13th to 22nd, then on 28th I will go to Ali Pur Chatta (Hafizabad Parish). I know you are praying for me but again I request for prayers.

Please pray for Mr. Rehmat Chaudhary who is in Lahore General Hospital with Brain Haemorrahe. I went there on 28th, applied Holy Oil, and gave Scapular and Holy Water.

In Union of Prayers, for you, your team, your family and all of the benefactors,

Yours in Christ and Holy Mother,

Afzaal Anwar Khokhar
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Dear Mrs. Melvin,

Sorry, I was busy in the arrangements of 3rd annual Rosary Conference that I wrote you is to be held on 19th to 21st of this month. I prepared the newsletter also. Today, I have returned from Karachi and on the way I went to Sukkur also.

I reached Sukkur on 7th night in a very miserable condition. It was because as I started preparing to leave for railway station on 7th (the train time was 3:00 p. m.), all of a sudden I got abdominal pain with diarrhea. I took some medicine but I could not get any relief. I left home at about 2:15 p.m. The train started its journey and I started going to washroom again and again. I got high fever, vomiting also. I got upper berth and at one time when I tried to get down from the berth, my foot slipped, my leg turned and muscle was pulled so severely that I lost my conscious. The passengers there pulled me immediately and gave a seat. The more surprising thing is that when I got near Rohri station, I went to washroom for the last time and upon reaching there I was feeling fresh (I had a lot of weakness due to diarrhea and vomiting but otherwise I was OK). I had reached at 2:00 a.m., stayed there for Sunday and Monday and went to Karachi on Monday night, stayed there for whole day and got train in the evening to return back.

It shows that satan is trying with his full efforts to stop spreading the Rosary Message and making Rosary Army. But it is with the courage of Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Patroness St. Philomena's protection not even I but each of us is saved from his hands.
OK, Good Bye and God Bless You all, Yours in Christ and Holy Mother,

Monday, January 5, 2009
Dear Mrs. Melvin,

Thanks for your mail. Yes, I am taking some medicine but not in routine. Because when I went to Karachi I fell ill there. I got some medicine. When I went to Sargodha once again I was taken to Doctor. Then as I reached Jhelum early in the morning, my condition was again worst. I was taken to Hospital. Each time doctor got E.C.G and gave medicine. I have been advised some more tests like E.T.T., Echocardiography etc.

I surely need an airlift. I especially need St. Philomena's Cords, Chaplets, Calendars, Oil and some pictures of St. Philomena (Card print). If possible please send some shirts also; I want to give one each to our promoters who will participate in the Rosary Conference next month.

OK, Good Bye and God Bless You,

Yours in Christ and Holy Mother,

Afzaal Anwar Khokhar

Monday, January 5, 2009

Dear Mrs. Melvin,

I am sorry, I could not write you earlier. It was because I went to Karachi; I returned from there on 22nd. Then I got busy in Christmas preparations. I prepared a crib in the chapel. After Christmas Apostolic Nunciature in Pakistan Rt. Rev. Adolfo Tito Yllana came to Sargodha. I went to see him. On 1st of January (in the evening) I went to Jhelum and returned from there last night. I therefore was very busy.

I sent you some lists before Christmas and then some copies of newsletters. It was printed late due to certain factors; I got ill many times having hypertension, then there is a deficiency of electricity, my laptop was also and still is out of order and I had to do the work again, I was busy in my tours also. Our electricity problem disturbs us a lot; one cannot say when they will put off or then put on the electricity, we were getting electricity for about 4 hours in 24 hours.

But now I am preparing the newsletter for Jan-March 2009 and trying to once again make the routine smooth. So, I will get it printed within this month.

We have arranged our 3rd annual Rosary Conference at Sukkur from 19-21st of February. Invitations have been sent to all the promoters and some priests. Please pray for the conference.

OK, Good Bye and God Bless You, with prayers and many happy wishes for this new year for you, your team, your family and all of the benefactors,

Yours in Christ and Holy Mother,

Afzaal Anwar Khokhar
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Father Younis Riaz giving lecture.
Father Younis Riaz giving lecture.
The audience.
The audience.
Children participating in tableau.
Children participating in tableau.
With Father Younis Riaz.
With Father Younis Riaz.
A scene of tableau.
A scene of tableau.

December 10 - 18, 2007

Visit to Jesus Nasri Church at Nasrat Colony, Pakistan.

The Universal Living Rosary Association
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar
Father Thomas Gulfam during Holy Mass.
Father Thomas Gulfam during Holy Mass.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.

Visit to Stella Mars Church at PAF Creek, Pakistan.

Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.

Visit to Our Lady of Lourdes Church at Christian Town, Pakistan.

Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
The <a href=Rosary Group." title="Click to enlarge" height="80" width="120" />
The Rosary Group.
The <a href=Rosary Group." title="Click to enlarge" height="80" width="120" />
The Rosary Group.

Visit to St. Francis Church at Qayyumabab, Pakistan.

Two views of the Church.
Two views of the Church.
Two views of the Church.
Two views of the Church
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.

Visit to St. Monica School at Zia Colony, Pakistan.

Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the school staff which was sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the school staff which was sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the school staff which was sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the school staff which was sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena..
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.

Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
A Christmas Tree at the school.

Visit to St. Francis Xavier High School, Qayyumabab, Pakistan.

Father Thomas Gulfam with staff.
Father Thomas Gulfam with staff.

A Christmas Tree at the school.
A Christmas Tree at the school.

Visit to Mariam Magdalene Church at Haideri Town, Pakistan.

Father Thomas Gulfam giving the introduction to the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Father Thomas Gulfam giving the introduction to the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
The audience.
The audience.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Children presenting a tableau.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items to the students after explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.
Applying the Holy Oil of Saint Philomena to some sick persons.
Applying the Holy Oil of Saint Philomena to some sick persons.

Visit to St. Monica Church Zia Colony, Pakistan.

The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
The audience.
The audience.

Visit to Arooj-e-Mariam Church at Korangi No. 1, Pakistan.

Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
The audience.
The audience.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
A <a href=Rosary Group." title="Click to enlarge" height="80" width="120" />
A Rosary Group.

A beautiful picture of Our Lady.
A beautiful picture of Our Lady.
A beautiful statue of Our Lord.
A beautiful statue of Our Lord.

Visit to St. James Church at Korangi (Bhatai Colony), Pakistan.

Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar explaining about the Universal Living Rosary Association and Daily Decade.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items from the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, United States.
The audience.
The audience.
Broteher Mark giving <a href=Rosary to a lady." title="Click to enlarge" height="80" width="120" />
Broteher Mark giving Rosary to a lady.

Visit to St Francis Xavier High School, Qayyumabab, Pakistan.

Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Children presenting a tableau.
Father Younis Riaz giving lecture.
Father Younis Riaz giving lecture.
The audience.
The audience.
Children participating in tableau.
Children participating in tableau.

December 8 - 9, 2007

Visit to Shorkot, Pakistan.

The Universal Living Rosary Association
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar
A newly constructed Grotto.
A newly constructed Grotto.
Some views of tableau presented by school children.
Some views of tableau presented by school children.
Some views of tableau presented by school children.
Some views of tableau presented by school children.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
The audience.
A <a href=Rosary Group." title="Click to enlarge" height="80" width="120" />
A Rosary Group.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar, explaining about Daily Decade and the Universal Living Rosary Association.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar, explaining about Daily Decade and the Universal Living Rosary Association.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.
Giving Rosaries and other devotional items sent by the Universal Living Rosary Association from the United States.

November 16 - 20, 2007

Visit to Karachi, Pakistan, from November 16 through November 20, 2007.
Afzaal Anwar Khokhar
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.
Different views of the Church and Grottos at Saint Patrick Church and School.


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The Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena



Patti Melvin, Director

Universal Living Rosary Association

P.O. Box 1303, Dickinson, Texas 77539, U.S.A.

Fax: (281) 337-3722 / (281) 309-9821




