
Bishop Abraham Than Bek
P.O. Box 25
Maesai 57130,

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dear Mrs. Patti Melvin,

Thanking you for all your short information through the e-mail. Although, I do not have regular communication with you, I and the members of the Living Rosary are always faithful to their Decades of the Rosary and pray for you as well as for all the other members of the Living Rosary Association. What sad news to know that you are not as well now as it was in the past. Be courage, Patti our Director, I sincerely keep you in my daily Mass and Rosary, especially on every Wednesday. May you recover from your health as soon as possible and continue the wonderful work of the Living Rosary Association.

Dear Patti Melvin, if it does not offend you, would you like to do a favor for me. At present, besides the work of the translation and typing, I was appointed also to look after a large village which is three miles away from the Pastoral Centre. The village has five quarters, one hundred and fifteen families, and one thousand and twenty Catholics. There are also a Primary School and St. Paul’s Home for the poor (orphans) children under the guide of St. Francis Xavier’s Sisters. So, it is sine qua non for me to go to that village on every Sunday and on the occasional Feast for the masses and other liturgical functions. Perhaps, due to my health and advance age, it is very hard for me to go on foot to that village regularly. Therefore, dear Patti, if you know some thoughtful benefactors or agents either from among our members of the Holy Rosary or from other organizations, would you kindly suggest them to help me in order to be able to buy a Motor Cycle for the apostolic work. Nowadays, in order to buy a presentable Motor Cycle, it will cost around 3,000 (three thousand) dollars in U.S. Anyway, if my request is granted, I will take all the full responsibility entrusted to me according to the intentions of the donors.

Thanking you for your anticipation and God bless! Hope and pray for the answer!

Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Fr. Paul Maphroi

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

News from Thailand from December 2007 to present.

Bishop Abraham Than
Mons. Abraham Than Bek
Fr. Martino Ai Han
Sr. Teresa Musa
Sr. Alphonsa Agnese

Maesai Chiangrai, Thailand

Please Click Here to Read the Whole Newsletter


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The Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena



Patti Melvin, Director

Universal Living Rosary Association

P.O. Box 1303, Dickinson, Texas 77539, U.S.A.

Fax: (281) 337-3722 / (281) 309-9821




