Devotional Items

  4 Sheets of St. Philomena Envelope Stickers
(place your mouse over this image)

ULRA- IS-Cal2023
Roman Catholic Calendar 2023
$6.00 each
Quantity & Price

(Save the image to Desktop, then Print, Fill out, Mail In)

A Heart On Fire - Life & writings of Ven. Pauline Jaricot - Great Missionary of the 19th Century.



Ven. Pauline Jaricot - The Match That Lit The Fire - Story of the Living Rosary


Mother of Souls in Distress - Prayer for Debtors w/Second Class Relic


The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Booklet by Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey


St. Philomena Relic Card (plastic coated) for donation of $1.00


(Rosary, Scapular & Miraculous Medal with leaflets explaining the purpose of each of these Sacramentals in English and Spanish)

Great for hospital visitation, schools, CCD, Youth Programs and Retreats.


Blessed St. Philomena Oil 4oz. - limit 1 - suggested donation

Booklet: Children of Mary Handbook plus Crown of Twelve Stars booklet: Program for the Youth booklet and Mary like Standards of Modesty in Dress leaflet

Holy Card: Offering Communion as Viaticum

Booklet: Guide to Sacramental Confession

Item #ULRA-IS0086
New Book - hot off the press - A treasure chest of Encouragement - full color - 40 pages @ $5 each
Buy one for yourself and give one to your loved one or neighbor or make a gift for the missions.

Item #ULRA-TB001
Beautiful Tote bag with tapestry of St. Philomena in color, woven on both sides, sturdy, height 17” – width 15”
Cost of each Tote: $25 + $5 s/h = $30

Item #ULRA-IS0054
Mary's Appeal - Consecration leaflet - Children Your Mother Is Calling!
Tri-fold leaflet in full color

Jesus Thru Mary
(place your mouse over this image)


Item #81
To Jesus Through Mary – practical summary of True Devotion to Mary with prayers - full-color cover - 24 pages

4 Sheets of Pauline Envelope Stickers
(place your mouse over this image)


Item #25
Ven. Pauline Jaricot stickers -4- sheets; 24 per sheet - use on envelopes, etc.

Pray the Rosary Daily
(place your mouse over this image)


Pray the Rosary, Daily - 20 pages w/Living Rosary devotion & devotion to St. Philomena

Daily Thoughts and Prayers for Our Beloved Dead
(place your mouse over this image)


Item #41
Daily Thoughts and Prayers for Our Beloved Dead

4 Sheets of St. Philomena Envelope Stickers
(place your mouse over this image)


Item 68a
4 Sheets of St. Philomena Envelope Stickers

Power Pack
(place your mouse over this image)


Item #DD092
Dedicated Decades Magazine
Spring 2015

Power Pack
(place your mouse over this image)


Item #4
Power Pack
Suggested Donation - $10.00
Items Included in Power Pack:
1- Saint Philomena Cord
1- Bottle of Saint Philomena Oil, with flyer of full explanation
1- Scapular
1- Miraculous Medal on Ribbon
1- Rosary
1- Chaplet of Saint Philomena
1- Four panel Holy Card with prayers and the story of Saint Philomena
1- Saint Philomena Holy Card
1- Four Panel brochure, "Pray the Rosary Daily, The Soul you save may be Your Own"
1- Sacred Heart holy card with prayer, "Morning Offering"
1- Tri-fold brochure, "The Universal Living Rosary Association, Total Consecration"
1- Tri-fold brochure, "Litany of the Holy Ghost"
1- Tri-fold brochure, "Garment of Grace, Our Sign of Consecration"
1- Tri-fold brochure, "The Miraculous Medal, O Mary, Conceived Without Sin, Pray For Us Who Have Recourse To Thee!"

Wonder Worker
(place your mouse over this image)

Wonder Worker
Cecily Hallack
A wonderful complete history and the story of Saint Philomena.  It is an easy read of only forty-seven pages.  Truly the easiest way to get to know Saint Philomena for the first time or for those of us who love her, get to know her in a wonderful new light.

Oil & Cord
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #2
Oil & Cord
Suggested Donation - $6.00
Items Included in Power Pack:
1- Saint Philomena Cord
1- Bottle of Saint Philomena Oil, with flyer of full explanation
1- Saint Philomena Holy Card

Saint Philomena Virgin and Martyr
(place your mouse over this image)

Saint Philomena Virgin and Martyr
by Don Francesco de Lucia
This book was originally written by the priest who brought the sacred relics of St. Philomena from Rome to Mugnano del Cardinale, Italy

(place your mouse over this image)

Item #71
Priests booklet
This booklet is twelve pages long.

Fatima Message and Devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #36
Fatima Message and Devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Saint Philomena Medal
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #6
Saint Philomena Medal – Image on Decade l
(made of nickel in Italy)
Saint Philomena Pack
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #5
Saint Philomena Chaplet
1- Chaplet of Saint Philomena
1- Four panel Holy Card with prayers and the story of Saint Philomena
2- Saint Philomena Holy Card

New Light in an Age of Darkness
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #74
Saint Philomena
New Light in an Age of Darkness
Patroness of the end Times

A fifteen page pamphlet for our times.

Saint Philomena, God’s Gift to the Modern World
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #32
Saint Philomena
God’s Gift to the Modern World
A fifteen page pamphlet for our times.

The Future of The Church
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #75
The Future of The Church
Depends Upon The Faith
A four page pamphlet for our times.

Come Holy Ghost
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #44
Come Holy Ghost
Full color, tri-fold with litany and prayers

My God and My All!
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #43
My God and My All!
Full color, tri-fold Communion leaflet


Preparation for Confession
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #46
Preparation for Confession
Full color, tri-fold with examination of conscience and Confession devotions

Saint Michael the Archangel
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #47
Saint Michael the Archangel
Full color, tri-fold

Morning Offering – Most Important Act of Your Day!
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #48
Morning Offering – Most Important Act of Your Day!

O Divine Infant Jesus
(place your mouse over this image)

Item #50
Holy Card
O Divine Infant Jesus


Booklet: Holy Ghost Novena & Meditations

If you prefer to pay with a check, mail your order and enclose your check payable to:
Universal Living Rosary Association
P.O. Box 1303
Dickinson, Texas 77539, U.S.A.

Shipping / Handling for mail in orders - U.S.A. Only (contact us for shipping rates outside the U.S.A.
Orders up to $5 add $4.00
$ 5.00 to $25.00 add $8.50
$25.00 to $50.00 add $10.00
$50.00 to $100.00 add $16.00





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The Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena

Patti Melvin, Director

Universal Living Rosary Association

P.O. Box 1303, Dickinson, Texas 77539, U.S.A.

Fax: (281) 337-3722 / (281) 309-9821


