Sightings - Lyon, France

The following series of slide shows were sent to us with descriptions written by Henry Bludau Link Out. These were taken on his pilgrimages to Ars Link Out, La Salette Link Out, Loreto Link Out, Lyon Link Out, Mugnano Link Out, Paris Link Out and Rome Link Out.

Lyon, France

Lyon is the city of Ven. Pauline Jaricot, probably second only to her friend St. Jean Vianney as a promoter of devotion to St. Philomena. Her house and property lies halfway up a hill between the Cathedral of St. Jean Baptiste at its bottom, and the pilgrimage destination of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Fourvier at its top. She had built a shortcut for pilgrims to take across her property to the top of the hill back then that she called St. Philomena's Path, which is still used and called so today.

A view from St. Philomena's Path.The prominent roof is the top of St. Philomene's Chapel, which Pauline had built after her cure in Mugnano. The house and the rest of the property is to the right in the pictures.

A view from the street in front, rue St. Barthelme (spelling?). The double stairs lead to where St. Philomena's Path started, passing through an arched way to the back of her property. The entrance to the chapel of St. Philomena is just to the right once inside the street entrance here.

Inside the chapel. There is a dome in the ceiling, not noticed under the aforementioned dark roof of the chapel. In a side altar, there are several old painting depicting cures by St. Philomena, including a copy of the one at Ars depicting the Cure's healing.

1839 letter by the Bishop of Lyon granting Pauline permission to build her chapel.




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The Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena

Patti Melvin, Director

Universal Living Rosary Association

P.O. Box 1303, Dickinson, Texas 77539, U.S.A.

Fax: (281) 337-3722 / (281) 309-9821


